Passwords and Security
- I forgot my password, how do I reset it?
- I forgot my user ID. How do I recover it?
- I tried to login, but my user ID and password did not work. What could be wrong?
- What are the rules for creating a password?
- How do I change my password?
- What is a MiChildSupport Verification PIN (Personal Identification Number) and why do I need one?
- Where can I find my MiChildSupport Verification PIN (Personal Identification Number)?
- Who do I contact if I know that someone else has stolen my user ID and password?
- Why do you ask for so much personal information during the MiChildSupport sign-up process?
- I got an error requesting a MiChildSupport Verification PIN. What happened?
Main FAQ / Top of Page Last Updated: 10/06/2023